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Dozer’s Thanksgiving Tale: The Great Turkey Heist


Hey everyone, us here at Bully Boy. This year we had a big family Thanksgiving dinner a little early, and today I’ve got a story for you that’ll have you laughing and maybe even relating if you’re a dog owner.


Meet Dozer, the 80-pound bull terrier with the agility of Jack Russel Terrier, the appetite of a vacuum cleaner and the charm to get away with almost anything. This year, Dozer decided Thanksgiving was his holiday, and he had one mission: the Great Turkey Heist.


The Setup: Thanksgiving Chaos

Picture this: It’s mid-afternoon, the house smells like turkey, pumpkin pie, and just a hint of chaos. Family members are everywhere, catching up, arguing over the right way to make mashed potatoes, and watching our family tradition of the great classic “Tommy Boy”.  And there’s Dozer, parked under the dining table, eyes wide and nose twitching with the promise of a feast.


Step One: The Distraction

Dozer knew his family was a sucker for his sad puppy eyes. So, as the kitchen filled up with people debating gravy recipes, Dozer waddled over and plopped his heavy head onto Aunt Patti’s lap. Aunt Patti, who swore she “doesn’t like dogs,” melted in about two seconds flat and tossed him a scrap of turkey skin. Phase one: complete.


Step Two: The Sneak Attack

With everyone now distracted by Uncle Bob’s reenactment of last year’s turkey drop (don’t ask), Dozer saw his opening. He shuffled into the kitchen, paws tapping quietly on the tile. There it was: the bird of all birds. A 20-pound, golden-brown masterpiece sitting on the counter, practically glowing like the Holy Grail.


Dozer knew he had one shot. With a grunt and a mighty leap (more like a lunge and a scramble), Dozer hoisted himself up just enough to snag a wing. Success! Or so he thought…


Step Three: The Escape

Dozer landed back on the ground with a triumphant thud, the wing clamped in his jaws. But as fate would have it, the oven timer went off, sending the entire room into action mode. “The rolls!” shouted Grandma, as the family rushed back in. And there stood Dozer, wing in mouth, with an expression that said, “This? Oh, you mean this is yours?”


Cue the chaos. Cousin Jamie was the first to yell, “Dozer’s got the turkey!” Grandma gasped, Aunt Patti started laughing so hard she snorted, and Uncle Bob fumbled his phone to capture it all for Instagram. But Dozer, undeterred, trotted off with his prize, leaving a trail of drool behind him like a victory flag.


The Aftermath: Forgiveness and Feasting

In the end, after a lot of shouting and laughing, Dozer was forgiven. The wing was declared “his fair share,” and the family settled in for dinner—minus one turkey limb. Dozer sat proudly at the corner, his belly full and his face smushed in a way that only bulldogs can pull off.


As the night wound down and everyone shared what they were thankful for, Uncle Bob raised his glass and said, “I’m thankful we have Dozer. Without him, Thanksgiving would just be normal.”


Dozer, now in a turkey-induced food coma, let out a contented snore. Mission accomplished.


Wrap-Up: Lessons from Dozer

So, what did Dozer teach us? Sometimes, the best Thanksgiving moments aren’t the perfect ones—they’re the messy, hilarious, and completely unexpected. Hug your pets this holiday season, even if they try to steal the show (or your turkey) or better yet give them some great Bully Boy's Famous Beef or Chicken Jerky Sticks. 🦃🐾 #ThanksgivingTails #DozerTheLegend #thanksgiving2025




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